Environmental sustainability occurs when our systems and processes reduce the environmental impact of our offices, food and operations.

TargetResults 2019Result 2020-21Goal 2022SDG
Retain ISO 50001: 2001ISO 50001: 2011 attainedRetain ISO 50001: 201113
Retain ISO14001Maintained ISO 14001Retained ISO14001Retain ISO1400112
Fund 1 water pump a month to provide drinking water to improve lives in Malawi13.5 wells over 12 months1 well over 12 months (significantly lower due to pandemic)7 pumps over 12 months6
Only use green cleaning products100% Delphis Eco award-winning eco- cleaning products are used by teams100% Delphis Eco award-winning eco-cleaning products are used by teamsContinue to use Delphis Eco in all client sites apart from 3 where client dictates use of another company12
Reduce environmental impact of Grab and Go packaging100% of sites now use fully recyclable or compostable packaging100% of sites now use fully recyclable or compostable packagingMaintain 100%12
Create carbon neutral communications100% of carbon produced during Read Your Wrap production is offset by planting trees with the Woodland Trust100% of carbon produced during Read Your Wrap production is offset by planting trees with the Woodland TrustMaintain 100% level of carbon neutral communications and promote e-ordering and e-menu platform12
Increase use of reusable cups and water bottlePromoted and sold circa 5000 Chilly’s bottles and Perkee ecoffee cups in client sitesPandemic restrictions resulted in increased disposable usageReintroduction of reusable cups and removal of restaurant disposables in line with pandemic government guidelines12
Serve sustainable fish100% of fish is bought from the safely sourced list which is endorsed by the SRA, MCS and MSC100% of fish is bought from the safely sourced list which is endorsed by the SRA, MCS and MSCContinue to source 100% of fish from sustainable list14

Our three pillars of sustainability


Systems and processes that reduce our environmental impact.